Bibliography Guide for Research Writing (CCSS Aligned)

Are your students working on a research paper, but struggling with plagiarism and citing sources? Well look no further! This easy-to-follow guide will walk both you and your students through the process.

A Christmas Carol Full Book Quiz

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is a classic novel to read, especially around December. Follow Scrooge's journey with the Spirits as he learns important lessons just in time for Christmas.

Poetry Unit with a Poetry Slam (Common Core Aligned)

Looking for a poetry unit to do with your students? Then you should check out this Poetry Unit!

Pinspiration #4: Corkboard Project!

Before school started, I requested the help of my dear friend Marisha for classroom decorating ideas. She is far better at pulling together a space, and graciously sent me the following pin (see Pinspiration photo, right). I loved the idea of a corkboard in my room! She graciously took me shopping to buy the materials and then set me to work assembling.


Pinspiration #3: Ornament Windows

As mentioned in my previous Pinspiration Posts (The Grinch Door and Reindeer Cupboard), I had my students respond to on our discussion board to the question “What would your dream classroom be?” One of the top ideas was to decorate the classroom, so I enlisted the help of my stepsister and we came up with a variety of fun Pintere

Pinspiration #2: The Reindeer Cupboard

As mentioned in my previous Pinspiration Post about The Grinch Door, I had my students respond to on our discussion board to the question “What would your dream classroom be?” One of the top ideas was to decorate the classroom.

Pinspiration #1: The Grinch Door

I had my students respond to to the question “What would your dream classroom be?” on our discussion board. I told them if they came up with realistic ideas, we could try implementing them in our own classroom. They accepted my challenge and came up with a variety of ideas they would like to see.

My Apologies for my Long Absence

I have been rather lackadaisical with my blogging for the last year. However, I have a whole list of excuses to my defense! Which I will share with you now in the form of a short story.

Why Should You Use Graphic Novels in Your Classroom?

CLICK on the picture below to download my PowerPoint explaining what graphic novels are, why you should use them in your classroom, and how to incorporate them into your curriculum.

When you click on the picture, it will prompt a window to open asking if you want to download this file (in .pptx format). Select "Open" or "Save" to view the file.

Convincing the Naysayers that Graphic Novels are Valid Reading Material

This is going to be a short post as I just wanted to give you a link to this fantastic article called "Convincing the Naysayers" by Robin Moeller. It was featured in the January / February 2013 edition of Knowledge Quest (property of the American Library Association).

This article includes such useful topics as:
1. Making an Argument for Graphic Novels
2. Intellectual Freedom and Graphic Novels
3. What Research Tells Us about Graphic Novels and Education
4. Graphic Novels and the Common Core Standards
5. Online Professional Resources for School Librarians and Teachers


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